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LONGSCAN, the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect, followed 1,354 children and their primary caregivers from five study sites for 20 years, and generated over 135 peer-reviewed publications to date. The LONGSCAN Coordinating Center was run from UNC IPRC. From Science to Practice was an intensive dissemination effort designed to extend the reach of the project findings to practitioners, policy-makers and parents. Five regional meetings, and a sixth in Washington D.C., were convened with members of the LONGSCAN research team and key stakeholders in child maltreatment prevention and intervention. Select findings were discussed, and linked to current practice and policy challenges. Together, the stakeholder groups and research team generated practice and policy implications, which a health communications team then used to develop the language for the final set of findings and implications. These were widely disseminated, including a U.S. Congressional Briefing. For more information, please visit

Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Dawes Knight.

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