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bmoracco_beth_2013Dr. Moracco conducts applied research on the primary and secondary prevention of violence, primarily gender-based violence in global and domestic settings. Her work is focused on evaluating violence prevention programs and policies while simultaneously building the capacity of stakeholders to design and evaluate their own interventions.Much of Dr. Moracco’s work has been conducted with vulnerable populations, including women who have experienced violence, HIV-positive pregnant women, and incarcerated populations, in domestic and global settings. She has extensive experience in both quantitative and qualitative methods, and combines these complementary approaches in her work. Dr. Moracco’s current research includes a study of judges’ decision-making in domestic violence protective order cases; an efficacy trial of a teen dating violence prevention program for families who have experienced intimate partner violence; an evaluation of the effectiveness of a conditional cash transfer program in increasing pregnant HIV-positive women’s adherence to the PMTCT cascade in maternal health clinics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC); and integration of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) services in PMTCT services in the DRC. She is a faculty member in the Department of Health Behavior at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, and the Director of our Department’s MPH program.

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