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UNC IPRC faculty and and NC Institute of Medicine Interim President Dr. Adam Zolotor, MD DrPH will present “Essentials for Childhood: preliminary findings from the North Carolina Institute of Medicine Task Force” next month at UNC Chapel Hill.

The goal of the NCIOM Task Force on Essentials for Childhood is to develop an integrated, comprehensive 5-year strategic plan to coordinate and prioritize the services, programs and/or policies of a number of state agencies that will build on New Directions for NC. The aim is to increase the capacity at the state and community level to expand primary prevention of child maltreatment efforts by incorporating the four goals of the CDC’s Essentials for Childhood and applying a collective impact framework. The four goals of this Task Force include:

  • Raise awareness and commitment to promote safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and prevent child maltreatment
  • Use data to inform actions
  • Create the context for healthy children and families through norms change and programs
  • Create the context for healthy children and families through policies

Please join us on Monday, January 26, at 1:00pm in the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Auditorium at the UNC School of Social Work. 1 Contact Hour is available, and there will be a reception to follow at 2:30!

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