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safe states logoWe are excited to share that the Safe States Alliance just launched an expanded Training Center for injury and violence, public health, and other prevention professionals. With this new portal, you can explore the searchable database of trainings mapped by injury and violence topic, cross-cutting topic (e.g., evaluation, policy), core competencies, and continuing education type; earn CHES and CPH continuing education credits from over 70 free trainings currently available; and take online competency-based self-assessments for injury and violence prevention, as well as public health, to help individuals and organizations determine knowledge and skill levels.

Safe States Alliance will continuously add new trainings to the Training Center, including those from our prevention partners. The online, searchable training database is a great way to share and widely promote your online and in-person training opportunities. If your organization or agency has trainings to add please contact Kristen Lindemer with the Safe States Alliance.

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