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Potential Funding Opportunities

The following spreadsheet is a working document of potential funding opportunities around prescription drug overdoe and pain management topics, as identified by UNC Injury Prevention Research Center. Potential Funding Opportunities

The Current Landscape of PDO/Pain Management Research at UNC

Please help us in mapping the current landscape of PDO/pain management research at UNC. The information collected in this form will be shared with the others working in similar topics and help us in finding opportunities across campus. Include any information that you wish to share, but don’t include information that you prefer to keep private. All items are optional.

PDO Research Form

Where we are in research as of today

Parking Instructions:

The UNC School of Social Work, Tate-Turner-Kuralt Auditorium is on the western edge of the campus. The building is located across the street from the State Employees Credit Union, and is in between the FedEx Global Education Center and the School of Public Health.

UNC School of Social Work
Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building
325 Pittsboro Street CB# 3550
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3550

Visitor Parking:


Panel Presenters Include:


Chris Ringwalt, DrPH.

Chris Ringwalt serves as the lead for IPRC’s RX overdose prevention program.  As such, he bears primary responsibility for securing, implementing, and reporting the results of projects in this area.  He also is a standing member of the Advisory Committees for North Carolina’s Controlled Substances Reporting System (CSRS) and for the Chronic Pain Initiative of Community Care of North Carolina.
Paul Chelminski, MD, MPH, FACP

Paul Chelminski, MD, MPH, FACP
Director and Clinical Professor of Medicine

Dr. Paul Chelminski is a professor of medicine and an experienced educator of medical students and resident physicians at the UNC School of Medicine. Since 2001, Dr. Chelminski has practiced primary care in the UNC Internal Medicine Clinic.

This clinic is recognized nationally for the high quality team-based care that it provides to patients with chronic illnesses. He has extensive experience in collaborative practice with physician assistants, clinical pharmacists, and nurse practitioners. In this setting, he has been engaged in inter-professional education and mentorship as well.


Timothy J. Ives, Pharm.D., M.P.H.

Timothy J. Ives, Pharm.D., M.P.H., is a professor of pharmacy and adjunct professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his baccalaureate and doctoral degrees in pharmacy at the University of Florida, a master of public health in health policy and administration, and a fellowship at UNC-Chapel Hill. Prior to coming to Carolina, he was a member of the faculties of the University of Utah and the Medical University of South Carolina. Ives is a licensed pharmacist and clinical pharmacist practitioner in North Carolina and is a board certified in pharmacotherapy specialist. He is a fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, as well as the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, of which he has served as secretary.

At UNC-Chapel Hill, Ives has served as interim chair of the Division of Pharmacy Practice, chair of the Orange County Board of Health, and currently directs the Chronic Pain Program in the Division of General Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology of the UNC School of Medicine.

 nab2 Nabarun Dasgupta, MPH, PhD Nabarun Dasgupta is an epidemiologist who studies the medical and non-medical use of prescription and illicitly manufactured opioids. He is a Research Scientist at the Injury Prevention Research Center at UNC, and an scientific advisor to Booz Allen Hamilton on applications of drug safety and information technology.
steve_marshall_2016-738x714 Steve Marshall, PhD I am an epidemiologist whose main area of research is injury prevention. The area of injury epidemiology is understudied relative to the public health significance, cost, and preventability of these health outcomes.

I am the Director of UNC’s Injury Prevention Research Center. I have an adjunct appointment in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science, and work closely with colleagues in the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory, the Center for Study of Retired Athletes, and the Mathew Gfeller Sports-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Center.

My areas of research focus, over the course of my career, have been sports medicine, surveillance of sports injury, transportation safety, occupational injury, and violence prevention. I also have a strong interest in biostatistics and epidemiologic methods.

My research interests include injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, baseball injuries, deaths from violence, prevention of concussions, and occupational injury.

Injuries are an enormous source of mortality and morbidity in the USA and globally. Research is urgently needed to help us learn how to address this pressing epidemic.

shanahan Meghan Shanahan, PhD Dr. Meghan Shanahan is a Research Assistant Professor in the Maternal and Child Health Department at the Gillings School of Global Public Health and a Research Scientist at the Injury Prevention Research Center, both at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests include child maltreatment surveillance, systems-level approaches to child maltreatment prevention, promoting child development through positive parenting, prescription drug overdose prevention strategies, and the impact of the opioid overdose epidemic on child health and development.
 jonsson-funk_michele-738x714 Michele Jonsson-Funk, PhD Dr Jonsson Funk is a Research Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the Department of Epidemiology. Her research over the last 13 years has addressed both methodological issues in the conduct of non-experimental (observational) epidemiologic studies and applied questions of drug safety and effectiveness at the intersection of pharmacoepidemiology and women’s health.
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