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The UNC’s Injury Prevention Research Center (IPRC) has launched its 2018-19 Injury and Violence Prevention (IVP) Fellowship Program! IPRC is a national leader in recruiting and educating the next generation of IVP researchers and practitioners. This is an exciting opportunity for masters and doctoral students from diverse academic, professional, and demographic backgrounds to gain hands-on experience in IVP, including skills in a broad range of methodological approaches for IVP-related research, programs, and policy design; and translating research to practice for policymakers, health care providers, community organizations, and other partners in IVP.

IVP Fellows work with IPRC-affiliated faculty mentors to identify opportunities to get experience conducting IVP-related research, programming, or policy. The fellowship will provide $3,000 per year to support travel, conference and meeting attendance, and other professional development or training opportunities. Limited, additional funding may be available for specific activities or opportunities on an ad hoc basis.

Students from a wide-range of disciplines and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Click here for more information about how to apply. Applications are due August 31, 2018.

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