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Webinar series flyerJoin the Southeastern and Southwestern Injury Prevention Network for a three-part webinar series looking at the Pair of ACEs and how it interfaces with work in injury and violence prevention.

Webinar 1: Introducing the Pair of ACEs to Injury and Violence Prevention
December 13, 3-4:30 EST
Register here:

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Webinar 2: Using and finding data and engaging with partners
January 10, 3-4:30 EST

Webinar 3: Applying Pair of ACEs to injury prevention practice

About the sponsor:
The Southeastern and Southwestern Injury Prevention Network is a network of diverse stakeholders offering facilitated activities to its members and the wider injury prevention community including webinars and in-person trainings that focus on increasing knowledge around a variety of injury and violence prevention topics, expanding leadership skills, and establishing and strengthening professional network connections. Learn more about the network here:

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