The application for the 2021 Injury-Free NC Virtual Academy on Comprehensive Suicide Prevention is now open!

The purpose of this academy is to work with community-based organizations who are engaged in or want to learn more about evidence-based suicide prevention. This academy is offered by Injury-Free NC, a collaboration between the UNC Injury Prevention Research Center and the North Carolina Division of Public Health’s Injury and Violence Prevention Branch.

What is the Injury-Free NC Academy?

The Injury-Free NC Academy is a training and program development resource for injury and violence prevention practitioners in North Carolina. Each cycle of the Injury-Free NC Academy focuses on a timely topic affecting North Carolinians. Over the course of two days, the Injury-Free NC Academy on Comprehensive Suicide Prevention will focus on evidence-based suicide prevention strategies with particular attention paid to education and access to lethal means.

The burden of suicide in males, veterans, rural communities and youth will be examined through data, and the challenges to reaching and engaging these populations will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their own programming and communities with other participants, learning and networking with colleagues who are also committed to suicide prevention.

People who are currently engaged in suicide prevention or want to learn more about effective suicide prevention and can commit to attending both days of the academy are encouraged to apply. Teams are encouraged to apply and may include multiple employees from one program or participants from multiple organizations. One application per team should be submitted; there will be space in the application to list all team members and their affiliations.

Academy Schedule

August 10, 10-12 pm and 1-3 pm
August 11, 10-12 pm and 1-3 pm

This is a free training opportunity. If accepted into the Academy, we will ask you to confirm your participation and commit to attending the full training to the best of your ability.

Applications are due on Friday, June 4 at 5:00 pm.

Applicants will receive a response from the Injury-Free NC team by June 11.

Apply soon—space is limited! Approximately 40 individuals will be invited to participate in the Academy following the application review.

Have questions? Email Megan Lueck at

For more information and instructions on how to apply: 2021 IFNC Academy on Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Information + Application Packet