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We are excited to announce the launch of a new statewide suicide prevention inventory, an interactive listing of suicide prevention programs in North Carolina. IPRC collaborated with the North Carolina Division of Public Health’s Injury and Violence Prevention Branch to develop the inventory as part of our shared Comprehensive Suicide Prevention (CSP) program.

The inventory connects North Carolinians to suicide prevention resources in their local communities. It also helps the CSP team identify gaps in suicide prevention resources across the state. Currently the inventory includes 157 organizations, programs, or resources organized in an interactive map of North Carolina. Users can view listings in their county and filter by population served, such as rural, seniors, veterans, youth, and general populations. There is also an option to filter listings that address safe storage methods for lethal means such as firearms and medications.

Access the inventory here.

If your suicide prevention program is missing from the inventory or needs to be updated, complete this survey.

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