The UNC Injury Prevention Research Center and the Safe States Alliance are calling for proposals to facilitate the adaption and implementation of North Carolina’s Injury-Free Academy on Using a Shared Risk and Protective Factors (SRPF) Approach to Prevent Violence. The goal of this project is to pilot the SRPF Academy outside of North Carolina and test the feasibility, accessibility, and acceptability of a newly developed manual created by the North Carolina team for use by other states. The application deadline is September 18, 2024.
View the detailed Request for Proposal information here
The SRPF Academy is an iteration of the Injury-Free NC Academy that focuses on training injury and violence practitioners on how to use a SRPF approach to prevent multiple forms of violence. The Academy focuses on primary prevention strategies (e.g., strategies that prevent violence from occurring) with emphasis on the community or societal level of the socio-ecological framework. These types of interventions are often referred to as “upstream interventions” because they prevent violence on a population scale.
Shared risk and protective factor (SRPF) approaches are efforts to improve multiple population health and quality-of-life outcomes by aligning diverse, multi-sector interventions that positively impact the social determinants of health. More broadly, there are three defining characteristics of SRPF approaches:
- Improves multiple population-level violence outcomes
- Impacts the social determinants of violence in positive and equitable ways
- Engages partners across multiple disciplines and sectors
Programs that utilize an SRPF approach often support this work by blending and braiding funds. By leveraging funding streams for one purpose, programs are more likely to be able to implement cross-cutting initiatives and achieve the individual goals of each program stream. These approaches are of critical importance in the injury and violence prevention field due to the many overlapping risk and protective factors affecting multiple injury and violence outcomes simultaneously.
To read the full request for proposals, please visit
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