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Publications by UNC IPRC’s Core and Affiliate Faculty

Peer-reviewed publications are one measure of research productivity. Throughout the history of our Center, we have been exceptionally productive in this area. We have built up an infrastructure that sustains research teams in injury and violence prevention (IVP), and as a result, publications have steadily increased over time. On average, the IPRC core and affiliate faculty publish nearly 100 IVP prevention papers per year.

Click here to view publications by UNC IPRC’s core and affiliate faculty.


Graph of Publications showing the number of publications from 1987 to 2020
Bar Chart with number of publications: 106 from 1987-1993, 199 from 1994-1998, 303 from 1999-2003, 393 from 2004-2008, 1,054 from 2009-2019, 450 studies since 2020

IPRC-Affiliated Journals | Editors

Injury Prevention
IPRC-affiliated Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Stephen W. Marshall, PhD

The mission of Injury Epidemiology is to advance the science and practice of injury prevention and control through timely publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed research. Injury Epidemiology aims to be the premier venue for communicating epidemiologic studies of unintentional and intentional injuries, including, but not limited to, morbidity and mortality from motor vehicle crashes, drug overdose/poisoning, falls, drowning, fires/burns, iatrogenic injury, suicide, homicide, assaults, and abuse.