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Publications by IPRC Core and Affiliate Researchers

View each year’s publications by expanding the dropdown list.

  1. Ajazi E. M., Dasgupta N., Marshall S. W., Monaco J., Howard A. G., Preisser J .S., et al. Revisiting the X:BOT naltrexone clinical trial using a comprehensive survival analysis. J Addict Med. 2022 Aug 1;16(4):440–6.
  2. AMSSM Collaborative Research Network Youth Early Sport Specialization Summit, Herman D. C., Nelson V. R., Montalvo A. M., Myer G. D., Brenner J. S., et al. Systematic review of health organization guidelines following the AMSSM 2019 youth early sport specialization summit. Sports Health. 2022;14(1):127–34.
  3. Austin A. E., Berkoff M. C., Shanahan M. E. Incidence of injury, maltreatment, and developmental disorders among substance exposed infants. Child Maltreat. 2021;26(3):282–90.
  4. Austin A. E., Bona V. D., Cox M. E., Proescholdbell S., Fliss M. D., Naumann R. B. Prenatal Use of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder and Other Prescription Opioids in Cases of Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome: North Carolina Medicaid, 2016-2018. Am J Public Health. 2021;111(9):1682–5.
  5. Austin A. E., Di Bona V., Cox M. E., Proescholdbell S. K., Naumann R. B. Differences in mortality among infants with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome. Am J Prev Med. 2022.
  6. Austin A. E., Durrance C. P., Runyan C. W., Runyan D. K., Martin S. L., Mercer J., et al. Affordable housing through the low-income housing tax credit program and intimate partner violence-related homicide. Prev Med. 2022;155:106950.
  7. Austin A. E., Gest C., Atkeson A., Berkoff M. C., Puls H. T., Shanahan M. E. Prenatal substance exposure and child maltreatment: A systematic review. Child Maltreat. 2022;27(2):290–315.
  8. Austin A. E., Shanahan M. E. Material hardship and suicidal behavior: Associations among parents and non-parents. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2021;51(4):646–56.
  9. Austin A. E., Shiue K. Y., Naumann R. B., Figgatt M. C., Gest C., Shanahan M. E. Associations of housing stress with later substance use outcomes: A systematic review. Addict Behav. 2021;123:107076.
  10. Barczak-Scarboro N. E., Roby P. R., Kiefer A. W., Bailar-Heath M., Burke R. J., DeLellis S. M., et al. The relationship between resilience and neurophysiological stress in Special Operations Forces combat service members. Eur J Neurosci. 2022;55(9–10):2804–12.
  11. Bjornstad E. C., Smith Z. H., Muronya W., Munthali C. K., Mottl A. K., Marshall S. W., et al. High risk of acute kidney injury in Malawian trauma patients: a prospective observational cohort study. BMC Nephrol. 2021;22(1):354.
  12. Blackburn N. A., Joniak-Grant E., Nocera M., Dorris S. W., Dasgupta N., Chelminski P. R., et al. Implementation of mandatory opioid prescribing limits in North Carolina: healthcare administrator and prescriber perspectives. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021;21(1):1191.
  13. Brathwaite D. M., Wolff C. S., Ising A. I., Proescholdbell S. K., Waller A. E. A Mixed-Methods Comparison of a National and State Opioid Overdose Surveillance Definition. Public Health Rep. 2021 Dec;136(1_suppl):31S-39S.
  14. Brett B. L., Kerr Z. Y., Aggarwal N. T., Chandran A., Mannix R., Walton S., et al. Cumulative concussion and odds of stroke in former national football league players. Stroke. 2022;53(1):e5–8.
  15. Brett B. L., Kerr Z. Y., Walton S. R., Chandran A., Defreese J. D., Mannix R., et al. Longitudinal trajectory of depression symptom severity and the influence of concussion history and physical function over a 19-year period among former National Football League (NFL) players: an NFL-LONG Study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr. 2022;93(3):272–9.
  16. Brett B. L., Meier T. B., Savitz J., Guskiewicz K. M., McCrea M. A. Research letter: sleep mediates the association between prior concussion and depressive symptoms. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2021;36(4):E284–8.
  17. Brett B. L., Nader A. M., Kerr Z. Y., Chandran A., Walton S. R., DeFreese J. D., et al. Disparate Associations of Years of Football Participation and a Metric of Head Impact Exposure with Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Former Collegiate Football Players. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2022;28(1):22–34.
  18. Brett B. L., Walton S. R., Meier T. B., Nencka A. S., Powell J. R., Giovanello K. S., et al. Head impact exposure, gray matter volume, and moderating effects of estimated intelligence quotient and educational attainment in former athletes at midlife. J Neurotrauma. 2022;39(7–8):497–507.
  19. Broglio S. P., McAllister T., Katz B. P., LaPradd M., Zhou W., McCrea M. A., et al. The Natural History of Sport-Related Concussion in Collegiate Athletes: Findings from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium. Sports Med. 2022;52(2):403–15.
  20. Bryant A. M., Kerr Z. Y., Walton S. R., Barr W. B., Guskiewicz K. M., McCrea M. A., et al. Investigating the association between subjective and objective performance-based cognitive function among former collegiate football players. Clin Neuropsychol. 2022;1–22.
  21. Callahan C. E., Kossman M. K., Mihalik J. P., Marshall S. W., Gildner P., Kerr Z. Y., et al. Association between Sensation-Seeking Behaviors and Concussion-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, Perceived Norms, and Care-Seeking Behaviors among Collegiate Student-Athletes. J Sports Sci Med. 2022;21(1):33–42.
  22. Cameron K. L., Peck K. Y., Davi S. M., Owens C. R. B. D., Svoboda C. R. S. J., DiStefano L. J., et al. Association between landing error scoring system (LESS) items and the incidence rate of lower extremity stress fracture. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022;10(6):23259671221100790.
  23. Caves Sivaraman J. J., Ranapurwala S. I., Proescholdbell S., Naumann R. B., Greene S. B., Marshall S. W. Suicide typologies among Medicaid beneficiaries, North Carolina 2014-2017. BMC Psychiatry. 2022;22(1):104.
  24. Chandler C. E., Austin A. E., Shanahan M. E. Association of housing stress with child maltreatment: A systematic review. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2022;23(2):639–59.
  25. Chandler C. E., Shanahan M. E., Halpern C. T. The association between early reports to Child Protective Services and developmental trajectories through middle childhood. Child Abuse Negl. 2021;122:105303.
  26. Chandran A., Boltz A. J., Morris S. N., Robison H. J., Nedimyer A. K., Collins C. L., et al. Epidemiology of Concussions in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Sports: 2014/15-2018/19. Am J Sports Med. 2022;50(2):526–36.
  27. Chung G., Jensen T. M., Parisi A., Macy R. J., Lanier P. Impact of intimate partner violence on parenting and children’s externalizing behaviors: transactional processes over time. Violence Against Women. 2021;27(14):2576–99.
  28. Dasgupta N., Brown J. R., Nocera M., Lazard A., Slavova S., Freeman P. R. Abuse-Deterrent Opioids: A Survey of Physician Beliefs, Behaviors, and Psychology. Pain Ther. 2022;11(1):133–51.
  29. Dasgupta N., Figgatt M. C. Invited commentary: drug checking for novel insights into the unregulated drug supply. Am J Epidemiol. 2022;191(2):248–52.
  30. DeFreese J. D., Walton S. R., Kerr Z. Y., Brett B. L., Chandran A., Mannix R., et al. Transition-Related Psychosocial Factors and Mental Health Outcomes in Former National Football League Players: An NFL-LONG Study. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2022;44(3):169–76.
  31. Devaney J., Holt S., Øverlien C., Bradbury-Jones C., Macy R. J. Concluding thoughts. In: Devaney J., Bradbury-Jones C., Macy R. J, Øverlien C., Holt S., editors. The routledge international handbook of domestic violence and abuse. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge. 2021;785–9.
  32. DiPrete B. L., Ranapurwala S. I., Maierhofer C. N., Fulcher N., Chelminski P. R., Ringwalt C. L., et al. Association of Opioid Dose Reduction With Opioid Overdose and Opioid Use Disorder Among Patients Receiving High-Dose, Long-term Opioid Therapy in North Carolina. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(4):e229191.
  33. Eckard T. G., Miraldi S. F. P., Peck K. Y., Posner M. A., Svoboda S. J., DiStefano L. J., et al. Automated landing error scoring system performance and the risk of bone stress injury in military trainees. J Athl Train. 2022;57(4):334–40.
  34. Embry V., Macy R. J., Moracco K. E., Scheffey K., Moore A, McCort A., et al. From “Homegrown” to Research-Ready: Converting an Existing Practitioner-Developed Violence Prevention Intervention Into an Evaluable Intervention. Health Promot Pract. 2021;15248399211031540.
  35. Filiatreau L. M., Ebasone P. V., Dzudie A., Ajeh R., Pence B. W., Wainberg M., et al. Underestimation of potentially traumatic events resulting from underreporting of physical and sexual violence among people entering care for HIV in Cameroon. Psychol Trauma. 2021.
  36. Fix J., Ising A. I., Proescholdbell S. K., Falls D. M., Wolff C. S., Fernandez A. R., et al. Linking emergency medical services and emergency department data to improve overdose surveillance in north carolina. Public Health Rep. 2021 Dec;136(1_suppl):54S-61S.
  37. Fix J., Redding E. M., Fliss M. D., Harmon K. J., Schiro S. E., Peticolas K., et al. Restraint use and severe injury patterns among pediatric passengers in motor vehicle crashes: Exploring the utility of linked health data and implications of database selection. Traffic Inj Prev. 2021;22(sup1):S193–4.
  38. Fix J., Redding E. M., Fliss M. D., Harmon K. J., Schiro S. E., Waller A. E. Database selection matters: A case study in child restraint use and injury patterns using North Carolina motor vehicle traffic crash report and trauma registry data. Traffic Inj Prev. 2022;23(6):339–45.
  39. Fliss M. D., Baumgartner F. R., Delamater P., Marshall S. W., Poole C., Robinson W. Public health critical race praxis at the intersection of traffic stops and injury epidemiology. Inj Epidemiol. 2022;9(1):9.
  40. Fraga Rizo C., Klein L. B., Chesworth B., Macy R. J., Dooley R. Intimate partner violence survivors’ housing needs and preferences: A brief report. J Interpers Violence. 2022;37(1–2):958–72.
  41. Franchino-Olsen H., Chesworth B. R., Boyle C., Rizo C. F., Martin S. L., Jordan B., et al. The prevalence of sex trafficking of children and adolescents in the united states: A scoping review. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2022 Jan;23(1):182–95.
  42. Franchino-Olsen H., Martin S. L., Halpern C. T., Preisser J. S., Zimmer C., Shanahan M. Associations Among Violence Victimization and/or Exploitation of Minors and Later Young Adulthood Violence. J. Fam Viol. 2022.
  43. Gaeta Gazzola M., Carmichael I. D., Madden L. M., Dasgupta N., Beitel M., Zheng X., et al. A cohort study examining the relationship among housing status, patient characteristics, and retention among individuals enrolled in low-barrier-to-treatment-access methadone maintenance treatment. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2022;138:108753.
  44. Giovenco D., Pettifor A., Powers K. A., Hightow-Weidman L., Pence B. W., Celum C., et al. Intimate partner violence and oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis adherence among young African women. AIDS. 2022;36(8):1151–9.
  45. Goodin A., Hincapie-Castillo J. M., Brown J. D., Roussos-Ross D. A survey assessment of clinician perceptions of opioid supply and monitoring requirement policy changes. J Opioid Manag. 2021;17(4):337–42.
  46. Goodin A., Hincapie-Castillo J. M. A call to look beyond prescription opioid supply-side restrictions and include health equity when predicting opioid policy effectiveness. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas. 2021;3:100075.
  47. Gottfredson N. C., McNaughton-Reyes H. L., Wu J. Predictive associations between adolescent profiles of violent and nonviolent deviant behavior with convictions in adulthood. J Interpers Violence. 2022;37(13–14):NP12207–37.
  48. Graham L. M., Kafka J. M., AbiNader M. A., Lawler S. M., Gover-Chamlou A. N., Messing J. T., et al. Intimate Partner Violence-Related Fatalities Among U.S. Youth Aged 0-24 Years, 2014-2018. Am J Prev Med. 2022;62(4):529–37.
  49. Graham L. M., Macy R. J., Rizo C. F., Martin S. L. Explanatory theories of intimate partner homicide perpetration: A systematic review. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2022;23(2):408–27.
  50. Haarbauer-Krupa J. K., Register-Mihalik J. K., Nedimyer A. K., Chandran A., Kay M. C., Gildner P., et al. Factors associated with concussion symptom knowledge and attitudes towards concussion care-seeking among parents of children aged 5-10 years. J Safety Res. 2021;78:203–9.
  51. Harmon K. J., Fliss M. D., Marshall S. W., Peticolas K., Proescholdbell S. K., Waller A. E. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of emergency department services for the treatment of injuries. Am J Emerg Med. 2021;47:187–91.
  52. Hearn D. W., Kerr Z. Y., Wikstrom E. A., Goss D. L., Cameron K. L., Marshall S. W., et al. Lower extremity musculoskeletal injury in US military academy cadet basic training: A survival analysis evaluating sex, history of injury, and body mass index. Orthop J Sports Med. 2021;9(10):23259671211039840.
  53. Hincapie-Castillo J. M., Easey T., Hernandez C., Maguire M., Usmani S. A., Vouri S. M., et al. Changes in Quantity of Opioids Dispensed following Florida’s Restriction Law for Acute Pain Prescriptions. Pain Med. 2021;22(8):1870–6.
  54. Kafka J. M., Moracco K. B. E., Taheri C., Young B-R., Graham L. M., Macy R. J., et al. Intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration as precursors to suicide. SSM Popul Health. 2022;18:101079.
  55. Kafka J. M., Moracco K. E., Williams D. S., Hoffman C. G. What is the role of firearms in nonfatal intimate partner violence? Findings from civil protective order case data. Soc Sci Med. 2021;283:114212.
  56. Kay M. C., Hennink-Kaminski H., Kerr Z. Y., Gildner P., Ingram B. M., Cameron K. L., et al. Factors and expectations influencing concussion disclosure within NCAA Division I athletes: A mixed methodological approach. J Sport Health Sci. 2021.
  57. Kerr Z. Y., Ingram B. M., Callahan C. E., Nedimyer A. K., Chandran A., Kossman M. K., et al. Reporting of concussion symptoms by a nationwide survey of united states parents of middle school children. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(22).
  58. Kerr Z. Y., Nimphius S., Stoner L., Ahmed O. H., Register-Mihalik J. K., Fortington L. V. Strategies for engaging “multiple disciplinary” teams in sport- and exercise-related research. J Sci Med Sport. 2021;24(9):851–4.
  59. Kerr Z. Y., Walton S. R., Brett B. L., Chandran A., DeFreese J. D., Mannix R. , et al. Measurement implications on the association between self-reported concussion history and depression: An NFL-LONG study. Clin Neuropsychol. 2022;1–18.
  60. Kim J., Eun-Hye Grace Y., Macy R. J., Rizo C. F., Wretman C. J. Interventions to prevent suicidality among survivors of intimate partner violence: A systematic review. Partner Abuse. 2022 Jul 1;13(3):345–65.
  61. Kim J., Macy R. J. Domestic violence survivors’ emotional and mental health. In: Devaney J, Bradbury-Jones C, Macy RJ, Øverlien C, Holt S, editors. The routledge international handbook of domestic violence and abuse. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge. 2021;545–60.
  62. Klein L. B., Dawes H. C., James G., Hall W. J., Rizo C. F., Potter S. J., et al. Sexual and relationship violence among LGBTQ+ college students: A scoping review. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2022 Apr 23;15248380221089980.
  63. Klein L. B., Doyle L. J., Hall W. J., Rizzo A. J., Fraga Rizo C., Potter S. J., et al. LGBTQ+-Affirming Campus Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention: A Qualitative Study. J Interpers Violence. 2022;8862605221111413.
  64. Klein L. B., Martin S. L. Sexual harassment of college and university students: A systematic review. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2021;22(4):777–92.
  65. Klein L. B., Stoner M. C. D., Bhushan N. L., Mulholland G. E., Fisher B. S., Kupper L. L., et al. Sexual harassment of students at institutions of higher education: variations in students’ experiences, knowledge, and perceptions across institutions. Fem Criminol. 2021;155708512110625.
  66. Kossman M. K., McCrae A. J., Pryor R. R., Frank S. C., Hayford R., Logan P. C., et al. Barriers and Facilitators Faced by Athletic Trainers Implementing National Athletic Trainers’ Association Inter-Association Task Force Preseason Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines in US High School Football Players. J Athl Train. 2021;56(8):816–28.
  67. Lo-Ciganic W-H., Hincapie-Castillo J., Wang T., Ge Y., Jones B. L., Huang J. L., et al. Dosing profiles of concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine use associated with overdose risk among US Medicare beneficiaries: group-based multi-trajectory models. Addiction. 2022;117(7):1982–97.
  68. Macy R. J., Bradbury-Jones C., Øverlien C., Holt S., Devaney J.. Introduction. In: Devaney J, Bradbury-Jones C, Macy RJ, Øverlien C, Holt S, editors. The routledge international handbook of domestic violence and abuse. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge. 2021;3–8.
  69. Macy R. J., Eckhardt A., Wretman C. J., Hu R., Kim J., Wang X., et al. Developing Evaluation Approaches for an Anti-Human Trafficking Housing Program. American Journal of Evaluation. 2022;109821402110569.
  70. Macy R. J., Klein L. B., Shuck C. A., Rizo C. F., Van Deinse T. B., Wretman C. J., et al. A scoping review of human trafficking screening and response. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2021;15248380211057272.
  71. Macy R. J. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Family Violence: Reflecting on Two Years’ Research. J Fam Violence. 2022;37(5):719–24.
  72. Maierhofer C. N., Ranapurwala S. I., DiPrete B. L., Fulcher N., Ringwalt C. L., Chelminski P. R., et al. Association Between Statewide Opioid Prescribing Interventions and Opioid Prescribing Patterns in North Carolina, 2006-2018. Pain Med. 2021;22(12):2931–40.
  73. Martin S. L., Fisher B. S., Stoner M. C. D., Rizo C. F., Wojcik M. L. Sexual assault of college students: victimization and perpetration prevalence involving cisgender men, cisgender women and gender minorities. J Am Coll Health. 2022;70(2):404–10.
  74. Master C. L., Katz B. P., Arbogast K. B., McCrea M. A., McAllister T. W., Pasquina P. F., et al. Differences in sport-related concussion for female and male athletes in comparable collegiate sports: a study from the NCAA-DoD Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium. Br J Sports Med. 2021;55(24):1387–94.
  75. Mauntel T. C., Cameron K. L., Pietrosimone B., Marshall S. W., Hackney A. C., Padua D. A. Validation of a Commercially Available Markerless Motion-Capture System for Trunk and Lower Extremity Kinematics During a Jump-Landing Assessment. J Athl Train. 2021.
  76. McNaughton Reyes H. L., Maman S., Kajula L. J., Mulawa M. The intersection of intimate partner violence perpetration and sexual risk behavior among young men in tanzania: A latent class analysis of patterns and outcomes. AIDS Behav. 2022;26(2):512–22.
  77. McNaughton Reyes H. L., Maman S., Kajula L. J., Mulawa M. I. Intimate partner violence perpetration and sexual risk behaviour: Identifying shared determinants among young men in Tanzania. Glob Public Health. 2022;1–15.
  78. Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network. Follow-up after ED visits for opioid use disorder: Do they reduce future overdoses? J Subst Abuse Treat. 2022;108807.
  79. Mollan K. R., Pence B. W., Xu S., Edwards J. K., Mathews W. C., O’Cleirigh C., et al. Transportability from randomized trials to clinical care: on initial HIV treatment with efavirenz and suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Am J Epidemiol. 2021;190(10):2075–84.
  80. Mughal A. Y., Stockton M. A., Bui Q., Go V., Ha T. V., Pence B. W., et al. Validation of screening tools for common mental health disorders in the methadone maintenance population in Hanoi, Vietnam. BMC Psychiatry. 2021;21(1):488.
  81. Naumann R. B., Austin A. E., Wang L., Roberts A. W. Impacts of a Medicaid “lock-in” program on opioid use disorder treatment and services and naloxone dispensing. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109385.
  82. Naumann R. B., Guynn I., Clare H. M., Lich K. H. Insights from system dynamics applications in addiction research: A scoping review. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;231:109237.
  83. Naumann R. B., Sabounchi N. S., Kuhlberg J., Singichetti B., Marshall S. W., Hassmiller Lich K. Simulating congestion pricing policy impacts on pedestrian safety using a system dynamics approach. Accid Anal Prev. 2022;171:106662.
  84. Netherland J., Kral A. H., Ompad D. C., Davis C. S., Bluthenthal R. N., Dasgupta N., et al. Principles and metrics for evaluating oregon’s innovative drug decriminalization measure. J Urban Health. 2022;99(2):328–31.
  85. Oueini R, Goodin A. J., Hincapie-Castillo J. M., Vouri S. M. Co-utilization of opioids and nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic drugs in U.S. ambulatory care visits, 2006-2016. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2022;62(2):468-474.e2.
  86. Peterson D. F., Kucera K., Thomas L. C., Maleszewski J., Siebert D., Lopez-Anderson M., et al. Aetiology and incidence of sudden cardiac arrest and death in young competitive athletes in the USA: a 4-year prospective study. Br J Sports Med. 2021;55(21):1196–203.
  87. Ranapurwala S. I., Figgatt M. C., Remch M., Brown C., Brinkley-Rubinstein L., Rosen D. L., et al. Opioid overdose deaths among formerly incarcerated persons and the general population: north carolina, 2000‒2018. Am J Public Health. 2022;112(2):300–3.
  88. Ranapurwala S. I., Miller V. E., Carey T. S., Gaynes B. N., Keil A. P., Fitch C. V., et al. Innovations in suicide prevention research (INSPIRE): a protocol for a population-based case-control study. Inj Prev. 2022.
  89. Richey M. M., Golightly Y., Marshall S. W., Novicoff W., Keil A. P., Nocera M., et al. Trends in fatal occupational injuries in Latino/a workers relative to other groups, North Carolina 2000-2017. Am J Ind Med. 2022;65(4):242–7.
  90. Rizo C. F., Wretman C. J., Luo J., Van Deinse T. B., Sullivan N., Godoy S. M., et al. Human Trafficking in Correctional Institutions: A Survey of Correctional and Anti-Trafficking Leaders. Journal of Human Trafficking. 2022;1–18.
  91. Roberts S. D., Schatz P., Register-Mihalik J., Wojtowicz M. Parent knowledge of and attitudes towards youth sport-related concussion and associations with child and parent factors. Concussion. 2021;6(4):CNC93.
  92. Roby P. R., Duquette P. J., Kerr Z. Y., Register-Mihalik J. K., Stoner L., Mihalik J. P. Preseason cerebrovascular function in adolescent athletes. Ann Biomed Eng. 2021;49(10):2734–46.
  93. Salazar Z. R., Vincent L., Figgatt M. C., Gilbert M. K., Dasgupta N. Research led by people who use drugs: centering the expertise of lived experience. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2021;16(1):70.
  94. Salmon D. M., Chua J., Sullivan S. J., Whatman C., Brown J., Register-Mihalik J., et al. Baseline concussion assessment performance of community-based senior rugby players: a cross-sectional study. Brain Inj. 2021;35(11):1433–42.
  95. Salmon D. M., Chua J., Sullivan S. J., Whatman C., Brown J., Register-Mihalik J., et al. Sport concussion assessment in New Zealand high school rugby players: a collaborative approach to the challenges faced in primary care. Brain Inj. 2022;36(2):258–70.
  96. Scarneo-Miller S. E., Lopez R. M., Miller K. C., Adams W. M., Kerr Z. Y., Casa D. J. High Schools’ Adoption of Evidence-Based Practices for the Management of Exertional Heat Stroke. J Athl Train. 2021;56(10):1142–53.
  97. Schattenkerk J., Kucera K., Peterson D. F., Huggins R. A., Drezner J. A. Socioeconomic factors and outcomes from exercise-related sudden cardiac arrest in high school student-athletes in the USA. Br J Sports Med. 2022;56(3):138–43.
  98. Shanahan M. E., Austin A. E., Berkoff M. C.. Prevalence of injuries among medicaid enrolled infants prior to child abuse and neglect. Child Maltreat. 2022;27(2):218–24.
  99. Shanahan M. E., Austin A. E., Durrance C. P., Martin S. L., Mercer J. A., Runyan D. K., et al. The Association of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Units and Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect. Am J Prev Med. 2022;62(5):727–34.
  100. Shen Y., Hincapie-Castillo J. M., Vouri S. M., Dewar M. A., Sumfest J. M., Goodin A. J. Chronic opioid therapy utilization following an acute pain prescription supply restriction law: an interrupted time series analysis. Pain Physician. 2021;24(6):417–24.
  101. Shen Y., Hincapie-Castillo J. M., Vouri S. M., Dewar M. A., Sumfest J. M., Goodin A. J. Prescription patterns of adjuvant pain medications following an opioid supply restriction law: an interrupted time series analysis. Med Care. 2022;60(6):432–6.
  102. Shiue K. Y., Austin A. E., Proescholdbell S., Cox M. E., Aurelius M., Naumann R. B. Literal text analysis of poly-class and polydrug overdose deaths in North Carolina, 2015-2019. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109048.
  103. Shiue K. Y., Dasgupta N., Naumann R. B., Nelson A. E., Golightly Y. M. Sociodemographic and Clinical Predictors of Prescription Opioid Use in a Longitudinal Community-Based Cohort Study of Middle-Aged and Older Adults. J Aging Health. 2022;34(2):213–20.
  104. Short N. A., Austin A. E., Wolfson A. R., Rojo-Wissar D. M., Munro C. A., Eaton W. W., et al. The association between traumatic life events and insomnia symptoms among men and women: Results from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area follow-up study. Sleep Health. 2022;674.
  105. Short N. A., Tungate A. S., Bollen K. A., Sullivan J., D’Anza T., Lechner M., et al. Pain is common after sexual assault and posttraumatic arousal/reactivity symptoms mediate the development of new or worsening persistent pain. Pain. 2022;163(1):e121–8.
  106. Singichetti B., Conklin J. L., Hassmiller Lich K., Sabounchi N. S., Naumann R. B. Congestion pricing policies and safety implications: A scoping review. J Urban Health. 2021.
  107. Singichetti B., Dodd A., Conklin J. L., Hassmiller Lich K., Sabounchi N. S., Naumann R. B. Trends and Insights from Transportation Congestion Pricing Policy Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(12).
  108. Sivaraman J. J., Proescholdbell S. K., Ezzell D., Shanahan M. E. Characterizing opioid overdoses using emergency medical services data : A case definition algorithm enhanced by machine learning. Public Health Rep. 2021;136(1_suppl):62S-71S.
  109. Sivaraman J. J. C., Greene S. B., Naumann R. B., Proescholdbell S., Ranapurwala S. I., Marshall S. W. Association Between Medical Diagnoses and Suicide in a Medicaid Beneficiary Population, North Carolina 2014-2017. Epidemiology. 2022;33(2):237–45.
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  26. Clifton DR, Schussler E, Onate J, Dompier T, Kerr ZY. Epidemiology Of Knee Sprains In Youth, High School, And Collegiate American Football: 3089 Board #154 June 3, 3: 30 PM – 5: 00 PM. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016;48(5 Suppl 1):876.
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  34. Dunn JL, Hunter RA, Gast K, Maile R, Cairns BA, Schoenfisch MH. Direct detection of blood nitric oxide reveals a burn-dependent decrease of nitric oxide in response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Burns. 2016.
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  42. Frank BS, Stanley LE, Padua DA. Trunk-Mounted Accelerometry Predicts Temporal Variability in Landing Phases During a Jump-Landing Task: 2644 Board #167 June 3, 11: 00 AM – 12: 30 PM. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016;48(5 Suppl 1):737-738.
  43. Fraser MA, Marshall SW, Mihalik JP, Guskiewicz KM. Neuropsychological Measures: Associations With Sex, Contact Level, And Concussion History: 1277 Board #7 June 2, 8: 00 AM – 10: 00 AM. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016;48(5 Suppl 1):331.
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  46. Gabler CM, Jacobs CA, Butterfield TA, Pietrosimone BG, Mattacola CG, Johnson DL. Knee Extension Torque Deficits Exist Bilaterally in Patients Following Unilateral Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: 3116 Board #181 June 3, 2: 00 PM – 3: 30 PM. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016;48(5 Suppl 1):885.
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  59. Harkey M, McLeod MM, Terada M, Gribble PA, Pietrosimone BG. Quadratic Association Between Corticomotor and Spinal-Reflexive Excitability and Self-Reported Disability in Participants With Chronic Ankle Instability. J Sport Rehabil. 2016;25(2):137-145.
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  62. Herzog MM, Register-Mihalik JK, De Maio VJ, Fonseca J, Josh Bloom O. Predictors of Recommended Academic Accommodations Among Concussed Student-Athletes Presenting to the Primary Care Setting: 1931 Board #83 June 2, 3: 30 PM – 5: 00 PM. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016;48(5 Suppl 1):533.
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