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Kristin Shiue, MPH

Graduate Research Assistant

Kristin Shiue is a doctoral student in the Department of Epidemiology. Before coming to UNC, she received her MPH in Epidemiology from the East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine and worked at IQVIA as a member of the Injury Surveillance & Analytics team, collaborating on research efforts to examine injury and player health in professional sports leagues. Kristin is a recipient of the Gillings School’s Robert Verhalen Endowed Scholarship in Injury Prevention/Trauma Management and the Gary G. and Carolyn J. Koch Merit Scholarship in Public Health. Beyond sport-related injury, Kristin’s research interests lie at the intersection of substance use and pain, particularly the leveraging of large healthcare databases and integrated data systems to guide the development of effective strategies to manage pain and mitigate the ongoing opioid crisis.

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