
Injury-Free NC Academy on Establishing Syringe Exchange Programs (Western NC)

Apr 10, 2019 - Apr 12, 2019 | Wilkesboro, NC


To work with community-based organizations and teams engaged in drug user health efforts to establish and operate harm reduction-based syringe exchange programs to prevent disease, injury, and overdose.

What is the Injury-Free NC Academy?

A training and program development resource for injury and violence prevention practitioners in North Carolina. Each cycle of the Injury-Free NC (IFNC) Academy focuses on a timely topic affecting North Carolinians. The IFNC Academy on Establishing Syringe Exchange Programs will focus on planning, establishing, and operating syringe exchange programs (SEPs) to serve people who inject or otherwise use drugs.

Follow this link for more information on the program and how to apply.

Applications are due on Monday, December 14 at 5:00 PM.